This morning my scripture reading was Colossians1:25 "I have become (the church's) servant by the commission given me, to present to you the word of God in its fullness - the mystery that has been kept hiddent for ages."
How fitting that I was invited to attend the bible study of my hostesses, Jo Frances, Penny, and Gaile before the booksigning began.
What a blessing. Thirty plus women gathered together in prayer, worship, and study in order to learn more about and draw nearer to the Lord. I am reminded that groups like this gather weekly all around the world to give honor and glory to the Father by studying his word. I loved that I was joined in the spirit to these wonderful ladies through the word of God. What a joy to gather and share our journeys together as we take this walk.
The booksigning was a blast. Once again, so many faces from the past. My friends Nancy and Micki from college were the money changers, and once again kept me in line and in order! Nancy is a great photographer and shared that her photograph is on the cover of Houston Magazine. I can't wait to check it out - a god-wink moment. I had many God-wink moments that day. A god-wink is a phrase taught me by my dental hygenist, Sharon. She says a god-wink is when something happens in our lives that we know is not a coincedence but which has the hand print of God on it. Once such incident involved Sally who came to get a book for her co-mother-in-law. She loved the book having received it from our co-good friend, Tonie, in Fort Worth, and I didn't even know they knew each other. The world is indeed flat.
A special joy was to see and share memories with my friends from medical school, Penny, Gaile, Jo, and Betty in Galveston. We had a lot of laughs remembering some of our antics, the joys and sorrows that we shared. I also was reunited with the Vermont Cyclists, friends I met on a bicycle trip through Vermont in the mid 1980's. A reminder that the world might be flat, but the bike trip was not.
I am so blessed. I can't believe that God is allowing me to relive and rekindle so much of my past, blending it into the fabric of my today. I feel like I am living "this is your life" every day!
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